Couples Therapy

Remember the beginning… when it was bliss?

Your heart raced when they called. Their presence gave you goosebumps.

There were long gazes… and long nights.

The inside jokes, little touches, and laughter kept you energized for days.

What was once quirky charm has become daily irritation.

Now, you suffer the annoyance of your partner rolling over in the morning and breathing their stinky breath in your face.

Why do they have to be so close to me? There’s a reason we bought this big bed.

Does it seem as though every little thing builds to a fight?

Are you always walking on eggshells?

Maybe it’ll get better on its own…

Every couple goes through lulls, right?

It’s probably just a phase, and we’ll be fine. We’ve both been stressed. Once she gets a break from work, things will settle down.

As soon as I find some motivation to better care for myself, I’ll stop needing so much from him. They’re just dishes – maybe I’m too sensitive?

Or maybe you will grow apart.

Waiting for the phase to pass on its own drags out an already painful situation and postpones your relationship’s healing.

Have you ever gotten in a fight about one thing, and multiple other issues are brought up during that one fight? It’s because all those frustrations and hurts were pushed aside and never actually dealt with.

By waiting to see what happens, those frustrations and hurt feelings sink deeper into the relationship’s core. This perpetuates negative patterns that end up driving apart people once deeply in love.

It doesn’t have to be this hard. Let me help…

Our relationships don’t have to be perfect, but we have to take ownership of our role and shape them to satisfy our needs and wants.

Healthy communication is at the core of intimacy in relationships. Maybe you grew up in a house where you talked about EVERYTHING. Your partner grew up in a house where words meant nothing, no one talked about how they felt, and the general rule was no news is good news.

You keep begging for more connection, and your partner claims to be trying, but it’s completely unnatural based on their family dynamics. Talking about talking is getting you nowhere, and you feel stuck.

Our work together will identify your and your partner’s CORE needs, including how you feel loved, valued, and appreciated. We will discover the root of communication breakdowns and implement realistic strategies that lead to lasting change that both partners can get on board with.

Through various Gottman Method and Imago therapy techniques, we will unveil underlying themes, hurts, and frustrations that perpetuate the same old fights.

During sessions, we will practice breaking the patterns of reactivity and the cyclical nature of the conflict. This is done through reflective listening exercises that help you and your partner identify what you really feel, when you’re feeling it, and what you need.

By exploring both past influences and present-day stressors, we will reroute your relationship down the healthier, more fun, loving path where it began.

Reduce the stress in your relationship…

… bring back the sweetness and simplify this aspect of your life.

Call me at (720) 755-7524, and let’s schedule your appointment.

If you’re feeling unsure and wondering if couples therapy is the right step for your relationship, I offer free 15-minute consultations to answer questions.