About Therapy

Information Overload

There are countless virtual resources at our fingertips to learn about everything from repairing our dishwasher to personality types and stress management techniques.

There is so much information available and so many opinions about the “best” way to do things. It can be beneficial and completely overwhelming. It can also be inaccurate and overgeneralizing.

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter; you name it; someone is talking about it online. But are they listening? Who is listening to what you have to say? Your viewpoints, experiences, trials, successes, and challenges?

Therapy is different today than it was 20 years ago. We have more innovations in research, technology, and evidence-based interventions than ever before.

There is one thing about therapy that has not changed. Therapy is a process.

Good therapy has to include the whole person, from early life experiences to the present day, mind and body. Understanding how life experiences influence how you move through the world is essential to long-term healing. Otherwise, habitual reactions take over. Before you know it, you feel like your life is not your own.

We all want authentic ways to live and connect, to feel alive rather than like we are existing. Engaging in therapy with me will create a safe space where you can talk about what feels important to you without being bombarded with information. Part of what makes therapy so valuable is having a trained professional with lived experience who is outside of your situation to walk you through to the other side.

As people, we feel deeply.

When we feel love and happiness, it feels good. Energy is up, there’s a pep in our step, and life feels meaningful. I can do this.

When we feel shame, sadness, loneliness, or anger, we feel worthless, and life can feel unmanageable. The emotions take over, and the love and happiness that felt so good suddenly feel far away.

Sludging through life like this is no way to live.

Human beings are wired for connection with self and others.

My mission is to help you discover the root of hard feelings and find freedom on the other side.

Getting to the root of the problem…

The doorbell rings. Your parents just got to your house for dinner. You hustled to prep a meal you thought everyone would like after a long day. You feel a little edgy, hoping everything will go smoothly.

Everyone seems on their best behavior. Then, the little comments start coming, “How long did you cook this meat? What’s happening with your hair? Did I miss the cheese for the salad?”

You’re deflated. You want to think, “Oh, that’s just my parents, and it’s not that big of a deal.” Instead, you feel entirely inadequate. Overwhelmed with sadness or anger. You put on a smile, and the thoughts flow, “I can never do anything right. Why do I even bother?”

Getting to the root of the problem is about noticing how the experiences we’ve had early in life activate throughout our lifespan. It’s about truly understanding the core beliefs you developed in childhood and the stories you’ve told yourself for years to help you make sense of your experiences.

Freedom is living the life you want.

Imagine a life where you feel worthy of love, respect, and affection. Really WORTHY. New days feel like an opportunity for growth toward your goals and dreams. You have a vision for what you want and can see yourself living the successful, happy, and healthy life you imagine.

You’re good enough for anything and everyone, and complete as you are. The comments and behaviors of others don’t weigh you down. You are free from the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying for years.

Our work together…

The goal of our sessions will be for you to have a safe space to be completely unfiltered. Sessions are your time to be listened to because you are the number one priority.

I will help you integrate what you already know with additional information, maximizing the resources that will be most helpful for you.

About Me

The first time I thought I wanted to be a therapist, I was in 5th grade. I would tell people I wanted to be a psychologist or an actress when I grew up. Since I don’t actually have any acting abilities, the psychologist route was a much better fit.

I loved music and pursued a BA in Music Therapy. Music therapy provided a wonderful foundation for working with individuals affected by various neurodevelopmental disorders. A few years into my role as a music therapist, I wanted to do more.

I went back to school to pursue my Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work. As a Clinical Social Worker, I’ve had the privilege of working with individuals, couples, and families from diverse backgrounds. I’ve been able to actualize my desire to help people heal from deep wounds they have felt paralyzed by for most of their lives.

In 2016, I started my Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology to integrate my knowledge of people in their environments, neurodevelopmental disorders, and psychological development.

I’m a normal person. I get irritated with my partner, desperately want my child to sleep when I’m tired, and feel lonely when I don’t spend enough time with the people I love. I believe connection and authenticity (and a little humor) are necessary when working together.

I have been on both sides of the therapy chair and know the bravery it takes to do therapeutic work. Because of this, I consider it an honor to be a part of someone else’s journey and prioritize your ultimate health and well-being.

Training and experience…

My formal training includes two Master’s degrees in Developmental Psychology and Social Work.

I am a trained trauma provider, certified telehealth practitioner, and licensed clinical social worker. I facilitate different therapeutic methods based on what is best for you.

Most importantly, I prioritize learning… so I am informed about the highest quality interventions and strategies for helping you heal.

When I’m not doing therapy…

I love hiking and spending time with my husband, son, and our two dogs, Cadillac and Gracie.

I also love baking and have done a lot of Pinterest fails over the years. But, hey… it’s the taste that counts!

Happiness, purpose, and meaning…

We all deserve to feel these things. It doesn’t mean we don’t feel other emotions. It means we know how to navigate emotions in each moment. This way, moments don’t turn into weeks upon months upon years of feeling disconnected from ourselves and others.

If you need a place to talk about things you’ve never talked about, let’s connect. If you need a place to talk about things you’ve talked about a hundred times and you’re tired of talking about them, let’s connect.

I offer free 15-minute consultations to anyone curious but unsure about the process. Call me at (720) 755-7542.