Individual Therapy

Is this all life has to offer?

It hurts. Some days are better than others. Things just feel ‘off.’

You oscillate between wanting so much more for your life to just being in survival mode. Time is ticking away, and you’re watching other people live their lives, seeing your life going by as if it’s not entirely your own.

What the heck is happening?

You’re tired of second-guessing yourself, your relationships, and feeling like the “crazy one” that’s missing something.

You’re not crazy.

It’s your turn.

The anxiety and stress that’s keeping you up at 2 a.m. are likely because you’re putting the needs of others before yourself. You’re thinking about your parents, friends, partner, children, job, and classes.

What about you?

When was the last time you made a choice based on what was best for you and not multiple other people in your life?

The gap between knowing better and doing better is the relationship we have with ourselves. Our brains are wired for connection, but a lifetime of micro-traumas or any major traumatic event rewires the brain toward protection. This protection can be isolating, pulls us away from other people, and convinces us not to do things for ourselves.

The hope is that those feelings dragging you down will go away… eventually. But “eventually” is a big gamble and can be a lot of time lost.

Let go…

Desiring more for your life means recognizing something doesn’t feel right, and you want it to be better.

Therapy allows for letting go of all the weight you’ve been carrying. You get to come to a space where you are the focus, no need for social niceties, dressing up, or social rules. Bring the racing thoughts, the stress, the self-doubt, the anxiety, the judgment, the anger, the sadness – and leave it behind so you can get back to your life without so much to carry.

You’ve been thinking about it for a while, then maybe you think something like, “I don’t really NEED therapy. It’s not like I’ve had something major happen.” OR, you think, “My life has been so hard, with so many hardships, there’s no way therapy can help.” Sound familiar?

Here’s the thing. Therapy with me is about you, your experiences (good, bad, and ugly), and creating healing to live the life you deserve.

Utilizing various therapeutic strategies, we will help you discover the core of what you want, what may be holding you back, and, most importantly, how to make shifts toward your ideal self. By building skills to recognize the patterns in your thoughts and behaviors, you will learn how to disrupt the cycles that keep you stuck. This reprograming will enhance your life, your relationships, your work, and your mood.

Relief, peace, and freedom are waiting.

It may be foreign to prioritize your needs because you haven’t been allowed to in the past. Consider this permission. You have to take care of yourself to take care of others effectively. If you feel resistance, I invite you to consider that the reason you feel you CAN’T do it is the exact reason YOU MUST.

If you are thinking about it and your thoughts are telling you not to bother, “It won’t make a difference,” “I’ll get to later if things get worse,” please call me at (720) 755-7524.

I offer free 15-minute consultations for anyone who wants to talk through their situation and determine if therapy is the best choice. I welcome the chance to connect with you.