Here’s what I know and believe deeply…
We are all unique beings that have positive and negative experiences that shape every aspect of our lives.
Sometimes the way we are shaped is conscious and clear. But, most of the time, our subconscious is informing our lifestyles and decision-making so heavily we do not know it’s happening.
This can hold us in patterns that contribute to feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, and isolation.
Let me give you an example…
As children, we take in countless messages about who we are, what family and friendship mean, and what is good or bad about the world surrounding us. These messages form core beliefs that impact every aspect of our adult lives.
Maybe growing up in your home, you weren’t allowed to be angry or to be sad, causing you to either act out toward the world or turn inward on yourself. It wasn’t fair then and isn’t fair now.
Recognizing the development of negative core beliefs and how they affect the present is a key step to healing and reprogramming.
We often need someone else to help us stay on course.
Because of the depth of emotions and experiences, it’s usually impossible to avoid falling back into old patterns without outside help.
The mind is complex and can be our best friend or our worst enemy…
Some of the people intended to be our “safe people” might make us feel suffocated, afraid, deeply saddened, or enraged. Sometimes, we end up running from ourselves because it’s all we know.
My philosophy is this…
Everyone deserves to be seen, heard, and validated for their experience… everyone.
Rage, sadness, anger, isolation, grief… there is no hierarchy governing emotions and who gets to feel them.
Recognizing the root of the feelings and core beliefs is one of the first steps to learning how to honor yourself. And honoring yourself, turning away from self-betrayal and toward self-actualization, is the path to healing.
Life tomorrow has the potential to be very different from life today. It just takes commitment, vulnerability, courage, and trust in the process.
Call me today for your free 15-minute consultation. Let’s talk about how I can help: (720) 755-7524.